Want To Help Figure Out What People Really Think About Guns? Take A Survey.

Right now I am conducting two online surveys to get a better feel for what and how people think about guns. The surveys can be accessed here and if you have not yet participated, feel free to do so. The surveys are actually sitting on the Survey Monkey website so I can only see answers to survey questions – there is not the slightest possibility that anyone’s identity can be captured, up to and including the I.P address of your machine.

I am also beginning to post some of the results of the surveys - they have attracted more than 650 participants to date. As of this morning, respondents to both surveys were residents of 43 and 44 states, so I think the information being received is a valid profile for how gun owners and non-gun owners think. I have also posted some initial results from the two surveys covering the gender and age of participants, with more results to come.

The surveys are designed to elicit information from two groups: (1). People who are involved or interested in gun violence prevention activities; and (2). people who consider guns to be important to them. The surveys are not mutually exclusive – if you are a GVP supporter/activist but also are a gun-nut like me, feel free to take both.

I am conducting these surveys because I have been saying for a long time that we need to find common language and common ground that will enable people on both sides of the gun issue to talk to each other in reasonable and reasoned ways. To do that, we need to know how you folks really think about guns, both pro and con, and we need to understand your thoughts as you really think, not as someone else tells us how you think.

Last week the Pew Research Center released their latest and greatest on how Americans think about guns. It’s a very detailed survey but again and again it asks respondents to answer questions that may or may not have much to do with what they actually think about guns. For example, respondents were asked how they felt about such policies as background checks and banning assault rifles with, of course, the non-gun owners favoring both policies to a greater degree than the folks who own guns. They were also asked about what they thought about gun-free zones. The gun-owners were opposed to it by a margin of two to one. Gee, what a surprise.

I think about my guns all the time – which one do I want to trade, which do I want to shoot today, what’s the next gun I’m going buy – thoughts like that swirl through my head all the time. Know when was the last time I thought about background checks? The last time I was contacted by Pew to answer questions in their poll. And since I’ve never been contacted by Pew, I don’t remember the last time I thought about background checks.

After I get done collecting enough responses to get a fairly good take on the basic demographics of the folks on both sides of the fence, I’m going to put up two more surveys and ask people to respond again. Incidentally, I recruit respondents to these surveys through Facebook promotions but again, I have no idea who is actually answering these promotions and taking the polls. Facebook simply tells me how many people click through the promotion and land on my survey page.

The next two surveys are going to ask gun owners and non-gun owners to tell me the questions which they would like to be asked about guns. And in this way what I hope to accomplish is to let the discussion between the two sides be based on what each side would talk about if they ever found themselves in a reasoned conversation with the other side about guns.

Who knows? Something new and interesting might actually emerge.


3 thoughts on “Want To Help Figure Out What People Really Think About Guns? Take A Survey.

  1. I fit both categories so I took both surveys.

    They wouldn’t let me go back and compare, but it seemed the same questions were asked with different words in the two surveys. It seemed you were sorta chumming up to us good ole boys who own guns.

    And did “Jewish” appear as a religion for GV people?

    Quoting mikethegunguy :

    > mikethegunguy posted: “Right now I am conducting two online surveys > to get a better feel for what and how people think about guns. The > surveys can be accessed here and if you have not yet participated, > feel free to do so. The surveys are actually sitting on the Survey > Monkey w” > >

  2. I really hope this is a joke about what other surveys are like. Different language in both, more options for some questions in the pro-gun survey, the fact that is started out with a pro-gun/anti-gun choice of surveys at all. I didn’t even answer the last question about how many people it would be okay to kill off to own guns. Really?

    • The reason the language is different is that the 2nd poll was done a week after the first poll and I decided that I wanted a different style but could not chan ge the first poll or answers aklready given would have been invalid. As for the question on how many gun deaths are accxeptable, that’s a very important question because we have to understand the expectations of people who want guns to be regulated - are the expectations realistic or not?

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