There a lot of buzz going around the GVP community today about several gun deaths that were apparently the result of dropped guns. One of the fatalities was a 16-year old girl in Houston, whose father’s gun may have discharged when he dropped it (the news report isn’t clear) the other was a 12-year old in Mississippi who came back from hunting, a gun was dropped and – BAM!
Colt Peacemaker
In 2015, the CDC says that the death toll from unintentional shootings was 489, of which 48 were under the age of 14. These numbers may be off by as much as half, because if someone shoots someone else accidentally, state laws sometimes require that the death be ruled as a homicide even though the shooter isn’t usually charged. But when a gun is dropped and goes off, nobody’s to ‘blame’ but the design of the gun itself. But that’s not really true and the purpose of this column is to explain why.
Pardon me for a slight technical digression, but in order for a gun to go off, there has to be at least one round of live ammunition sitting in the breech. The breech is the part of the gun where the live round sits with the front facing the barrel and the rear facing a firing pin. When the firing pin is pushed into the back of the round, the chemicals in the primer create a spark, the spark ignites the powder and the explosion creates gasses which expand and push the bullet through the barrel and out of the gun. In other words, for any gun to fire, some mechanical action has to occur which pushes the firing pin into the shell. Which is usually done by the hammer which falls on the firing pin after the trigger (which is connected to the hammer) is pulled. Get it?
Now where things get tricky is in lining up the live shell in front of the firing pin. Because if there’s no shell in front of the firing pin, no matter how hard you push the firing pin forward, the gun simply can’t go off. When guns go off because they are dropped, what really happens is that the gun hits the floor with enough force to push the firing pin into the live round without pulling the trigger at all.
America’s oldest gun manufacturer, Colt, became famous for its Single Action Army revolver called the “Peacemaker’ or the gun that ‘won the West.’ It was known as the ‘six-shooter’ but we called it the ‘five-shooter’ because until the company redesigned its firing pin and hammer assembly, if you had the hammer over a live round in the cylinder the gun would go off sometimes just by accidentally touching the hammer as you went to pick up the gun. How many millions of these guns sold before Colt fixed the problem sometime around 1985? Remington finally settled a 20-year class action suit because the bolt in most of its hunting rifles had a funny way of going off even with the safety switch on.
The gun industry has been patting itself on the back of late, claiming that accidental gun deaths have declined to ‘historic lows,’ a result, of course, of the safety programs run by the NRA and the NSSF. I suspect that what’s also behind the decline is the spread of child access prevention (CAP) laws, but those laws penalize the gun owner if an underage person grabs a gun. How many times does the gun owner himself or a friend lose an arm, a leg or a life because – oops! – I dropped the gun?
You can design or redesign the safety mechanism all you want, but a gun is a mechanical device and mechanical devices sometimes don’t work the way they should. I don’t know how many of the 40 million American gun owners pick up one of their guns each day, but the more guns that are picked up, the more that will drop on the floor.
Jan 05, 2025 @ 12:20:16
I recently underwent fairly major shoulder surgery on my right arm (I am right handed) and am still building up strength. I went to the range last weekend as its been a while since I have been shooting due to the surgery (rotator cuff and biceps tendon reattachment). Holstering my 1911 in order to go downrange and pick up my target, my weakness showed its face and I ended up almost dropping and managing to catch the firearm by the muzzle end. Fortunately, it was not loaded as I was going to set up a new target. My first thought while holding the 1911 by the business end was “well, dummy, what would you have done if the gun was fully loaded?”. Shook me up quite a bit.
I’m normally a pretty careful person but that just showed me that no one, even an overconfident sixty two year old, should take safety for granted. Be careful out there.
Jan 05, 2025 @ 21:58:44
Striker fired guns like a Glock will absolutely not fire when dropped. But with semi-auto pistols in general IMHO the big safety issue comes from not being able to see what is in the chamber and thus becoming vulnerable to brain fade leading to pulling the trigger as if it was empty when its not. This is worse with a Glock because the trigger must first be pulled to remove the slide for cleaning. Of course, the gun should always be checked first but nothing is there to remind or prevent you from forgetting to. Therefore, my favorite safety up-grade is the loaded chamber indicators on some Rugers. California requires this feature for legal carry guns, if I am not mistaken. The downside is that if you drop one of these and it lands on the indicator you could potentially have a failure to cycle afterwards.